Ministry Update - April 2024

Dear Friends,

Thank you so much for your continued thoughts and prayers for Pneuma Ministries. I am very excited to share the progress we're making, despite navigating the complexities of our expanding program. To reiterate, our mission is to empower young men who are aging out of Bolivian orphanages, aiding their transition into independent, successful adulthood by providing spiritual guidance, access to education and/or vocational training.

To date, we have welcomed five young men into the program, with three currently in our care:

**Fabricio and Ervin:** Both are graduates from the Vida Bolivia shelter center and have studied theology for a year in Argentina. With their shared interests and community ties, coupled with their biblical training, we are enthusiastic about their future roles as mentors to newcomers in our program.

**Anderson:** He moved on from the Vida Bolivia shelter at 14, attempting to reconnect with his elderly grandparents. However, the arrangement proved challenging, and he sought independence. While Anderson has since moved out of the restoration house, we remain in close contact as he forges a path for himself in Chile.

**Andrés:** Andrés' journey didn't include an orphanage; he faced a rough childhood on the streets, managing to survive through odd jobs. His gratitude for the chance to join our program is profound.

**Freddy:** Now 18, Freddy spent four years in a juvenile offenders' center. We are evaluating his psychological state and social behavior and plan to invite him into the house for a trial period. We are encouraged by his expression of gratitude and commitment to our community.

Each young man brings a background filled with unique challenges and we endeavor to adapt and grow together. My prayer for these young men is that they develop into balanced, upstanding citizens and spiritual leaders for their future families. I also pray they'll become mentors to the youth that will follow in their footsteps, finding their spiritual path through Jesus Christ.

Pneuma certainly faces its share of challenges as a new program, and we continuously strive to refine our mission, vision, and objectives to best serve these young men. I humbly request your prayers in the following areas:

1. **Working with Orphanages:** Gaining the trust and cooperation of orphanages remains a delicate balance. They are mandated to support children for up to a year post-18, though success varies. Some orphans, unable to comply with the required parameters, are left without transitional support. Please pray for Pneuma's relationship with these orphanages, so we may reach both the youths still under their care and those on their own.

2. **Participant Selection:** With 60 different orphanages in Cochabamba, each housing boys in diverse situations, it can be a challenge to identify those we can most effectively assist. Some boys face obstacles too significant for our community setting. Your prayers for wisdom as we consider each individual case would be greatly appreciated.

3. **Financial Support:** Our current expenses are approximately $1,300 per month for the three young men we currently support. I am immensely thankful for the generous contributions we've received so far. At present, we typically receive about $450 monthly from reoccurring donations, with an additional $200 to $400 in one-time contributions.

We thank God for all that has been accomplished and are deeply grateful for the trust and financial support you've entrusted to us.

May God bless you abundantly,


Ministry Update - May, 2024


Ministry Update - March 2024